So a while back when I posted my song Pioneer, I decided that I wanted to make an album that included said track. I spent a couple months working off and on again to do just that.
My original goal was to make a minimum of seven tracks, including Pioneer as the title track for the album.
Unfortunately my life took an unexpected turn in a negative direction and I had to abandon the project. That was about ten months ago. Things have been slowly getting better, but I still have a lot to deal with. Now I actually did make a few tracks before I stopped indefinately, although falling short of my seven track limit. Its more like four tracks with an intro track tacked on. These files have been sitting on my hard drive for almost a year, and for the most part they're as complete as I can get them.
I've decided to post them now because I just want them to be heard now. Maybe some day I'll complete the album by adding more tracks, but it most likely won't be happening any time soon.
Here are the links to my (unfinished) album: PIONEER
Track 1: Intro
Track 2: Booting
Track 3: Limitless
Track 4: Pioneer (the title track)
Track 5: Meadow
If you could give them an honest listen, let me know what you think. Maybe show them to your friends. My goal was never to make money off of this album, I just wanted to put something out there I'd be proud of making.
Anyway, I'd also like to thank the people who've listend and ejoyed my work since I first started making music. I do plan on getting back into that part of my life, but it will definately be a while.